Boston Car Accident Attorneys

Protecting Your Right to Compensation After an Accident

At the Law Office of Steven R. Whitman LLC, we can help clients determine car accident liability and recover all of their losses, such as property damage, medical costs, personal suffering, lost wages, potential future losses, and, in some cases, punitive damages. We have more than 55 years of combined legal experience and have recovered millions of dollars for past clients. Our firm is committed to giving you the honest advice you need to make informed decisions as we seek the damages owed to you.

If you've been injured in a car accident and need legal representation, call (617) 227-8118 to set up your free consultation.

In Boston, as in any other major city, dense traffic creates challenges for drivers. The stop-and-go rhythm of traffic and the close proximity of drivers to one another - not to mention pedestrians and bicyclists - are the leading causes of car accidents.

Some common causes of car crashes include:

Thousands of car accidents occur every day in the United States, and the consequences can be catastrophic. From superficial scrapes to permanent and life-changing brain trauma or paralysis, injuries that are caused by negligent or impaired drivers can be both emotionally and financially taxing. If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident, you have the right to fair compensation. The state of your physical and financial health is too important to entrust it to just anyone. Seek the help of an experienced Boston car accident lawyer today.

Call (617) 227-8118 today to speak with the Law Office of Steven R. Whitman.

3 Criteria Necessary to File a Car Accident Claim

Our Boston car accident lawyers have successfully won thousands of car crash cases. In the state of Massachusetts, victims of car crashes must meet one of three criteria in order to have a valid claim for compensation. Watch the video below to learn more.

What You Should Do After a Car Accident

You are required by law to remain on the scene of a car accident you were involved in even if you believe yourself to have been unharmed. How you act in the moments following an accident can go a long way towards determining your eligibility for compensation.

Immediately after being involved in an accident:

  • Obtain the name, address, and phone number of all other drivers involved
  • Note the make, model, year, and license plate of the other vehicles involved
  • Call for police and inform them of any traffic violations another driver may have committed
  • Get a medical examination even if you don't feel injured
  • Photograph the accident scene, other vehicles, your injuries, and location of the accident
  • Notify your insurance company of your accident
  • Speak with an injury attorney to determine your eligibility for filing a claim
  • Exchange contact and insurance information with the other drivers

Don’t forget to obtain similar contact information from any witnesses to the accident; such testimony can be vital to your case and determining who was at fault. Our Boston car accident lawyer can use all the above information to build you the strongest case possible for compensation.

How Long Do I Have to File a Lawsuit After a Car Accident?

One of the most important steps to take early on is determining if you even have a case to recover financial damages. The statute of limitations in Massachusetts for personal injury claims is three years. The three years generally starts at the date the accident took place, but in some cases you can use the date the injury was discovered. Our firm can hear you out and decide how to proceed with a no-cost case evaluation. You have precious little time to file before the statute of limitations expires. Once it does, you will be unable to file a claim, so speak with our firm right away!

Begin your case today. ​​​​Schedule your free consultation with our firm!


  • Law Office of Steven R. Whitman, LLC Whitman Law got me what I deserved.
  • Law Office of Steven R. Whitman, LLC I will always be grateful for the representation I received.
  • Law Office of Steven R. Whitman, LLC I love this company
  • Law Office of Steven R. Whitman, LLC The best law office I've ever dealt with.
  • Law Office of Steven R. Whitman, LLC Best law firm
  • Law Office of Steven R. Whitman, LLC I would give him 10 stars if I could.
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