Product Liability Attorneys in Boston

Upholding the Rights of Victims: Call (617) 227-8118

Were you injured by a defective or dangerous product? In the U.S., more than 400 products are recalled annually due to defects. Whether you or your loved one was harmed by a toy, medical device, electronic or auto part, you deserve to pursue compensation for your pain and suffering. Consult our Boston product liability lawyers about your injuries today.

You most likely have a product liability claim if your injuries are due to:

  • Manufacturing error
  • Failure to warn about any possible harm
  • Defect in design or function

Filing a personal injury claim is not just about your future and well-being, it also about making our community a safer place for all consumers. Let's work together to hold negligent manufacturers and corporations responsible for their careless actions and decisions.

Take advantage of our complimentary case reviews.

What to Do After a Defective Product Injury in Boston

Companies who prioritize profits over consumer safety often cut corners with their products. They either rush a product's production or release a product without performing adequate safety testing. At the Law Office of Steven R. Whitman LLC, we will investigate thoroughly to see if any missteps occurred during the design, production, and testing phases of a company's product. Our Boston injury lawyer can also examine if any marketing efforts failed to include relevant cautions. Corporations and manufacturers should be held accountable for their greed and negligence.

If you have been hurt by a defective product, take these steps:

  • Preserve the product. It can be used and evidence, and will be important in our investigation.
  • See a doctor immediately. You need to understand the extent of your injuries and have a doctor document them.
  • Speak with a lawyer. Insurance companies tend to only take victims seriously if they are represented by an attorney. Work with us to maximize your outcome.

Our firm has access to extensive resources to help you build an effective personal injury claim. We can bring in the proper technology experts to evaluate the product and consult with leading medical experts to prove your injuries are related to the product's defects. It is possible that more than one party is responsible for your injuries - such as product manufacturers, designers, distributors, wholesalers, and sellers.

Call for a Free, No-Obligation Consultation Today

As a consumer, you have the right to expect that the products you bring into your home are free from dangerous defects. When a manufacturing company fails to deliver the standard of care that it owes you, you need to hold them accountable. Seek justice and compensation!

Dial (617) 227-8118 to arrange for a risk-free case consult!

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